+33(0)7 83 11 40 52 gautier@tableting-services.com




GTS : Service FIRST.

The customer service has been always the rock where I built-up my customer relationship. Then logically I gave this value in the genes of GTS. Likewise all the companies GTS represents get this value as well. Services FIRST
Or course, depending on each principal, this customer service will be implementing on a different way.

All of them insure commissioning, FAT/SAT, maintenance and calibration for their equipment, on stock a wide ranges of spare parts:

Some of them has developed a unique customer service on the market, in relation with their own business.


ACKLEY MACHINE gets a unique expertise on the offset printing of tablet, capsules and soft gel capsules.

Recently they developed the laser printing, high speed, which widen the scope of possibilities to print and identify tablets, capcules and soft gel capsules.

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B&D offers a unique level of services for Presses and compression tooling in France, Europe and Northern Africa, based on almost 40 years of experience in this market.

Compression tooling

  • Customer support for the development of new tablets: 2D/3D, shape, coating or not, optimization of break line…..
  • Customer support for definition of the tooling and its technical specification: 2D/3D drawings, type of steel, coatings, specific machining, tapers in the dies, special polishing….
  • Customer Support for troubles shooting: sticking, seizure, break, wearing,…

Tablet Presses: A wide range to serve all customer needs.

  • R&D presses
  • Scale-up presses, mono layer, bi layer, interchangeable turrets, WIP.
  • Industrial presses, mono layer, bi layer, tri layer, core-in-core, interchangeable turrets.
  • Annual maintenance and calibration for ALL type of presses
  • Our team of technicians is always available, even in emergency, anywhere in France, Europe and Northern Africa.

A dedicated service for refurbishing existing presses:

  • Mechanical
  • Control system
  • Electrical and hydraulical

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Its wide range of product and services allows COSMEC to be relevant from dispending area to feeding presses or blistering machine, all along the process : dispending, granulation, mixing, handling, feeding, bins,….

A real global approach of solid doses manufacturing process.

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Today, GERTEIS is THE reference for roller compactor in the Pharmaceutical industry.

A wide range of roller compactor/granulator which ensures the widest scope of product to be processed. The implemented technologies are over all what is done by competitors.

This is the most versatile and flexible machine and the most efficient on the market.

Furthermore, the scale-up from development equipment to industrial equipment is immediate, due to design and technologies implemented in the both versions. It is unique on the market

This is the ideal tool for R&D and development for « Big Pharma » and « CMOs » as well.

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Kevac is first of all a big range of industrial vacuum dust collectors and cleaners (vacuum systems, separators, cyclones,…) and a permanent stock of filters and accessories for KEVAC equipments, BUT also for a wide range of existing equipments on the market.

But KEVAC is also a technical team able to support customer to find a specific solution for a specific issue, anywhere in the process, from manufacturing to packaging solid dose pharmaceutical process.

In France, their base is Orleans which is a central position for all the French market.

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Besides a wide and complete range of coaters, from R&D to 500 kg capacity, O’HARA implemented a 100% European structure to ensure the service and technical support of the European market.  It allows a quick action on existing O’HARA equipments and the development of specific development like using SIEMENS control systems, which has been chosen for the European market.

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For almost 40 years, OMAR is acting in the R&D and clinical development pharmaceutical business area.

Then, OMAR has developed a real expertise for definition of blisters, shape of pockets, in partnership with all the suppliers of plastic and aluminum web.

OMAR offers this expertise to its customer and guarantee that’s all pocket shapes will be optimized, whatever the type of web : PVC, PVDC, ACLAR, ALUMINIUM,….

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