+33(0)7 83 11 40 52 gautier@tableting-services.com




Éric Gautier de Lahaut


With an original engineer background, my first professional experience was process equipments in food industries. For 6 years I managed projects for implementing in facilities steel belt processing systems for a big Swedish group, worldwide leader on its business area.

In 1997 I move towards Pharmaceutical industries mainly, through one of a national and later international (because of an acquisition), leader of tooling for presses and blistering machines. I started as field salesman for 3 years before becoming for 14 years the Sales Manager of this company. It was a nice part of my life to be a part of the development of this company.

Since 2016, I have been working for the development of my own company GTS (Gautier Tableting Services). I build up this company around my main knowhow: preparation and processing of powders, mainly in Pharmaceutical Industry. All the expertises I share and the synergies I develop, allow me to supply a unique level of services on the market.

Please come to visit my website and discover products and services that I propose to you.

Have a nice visit!

Work in partnership :

All of my principles are one of the worldwide well-known expert in their domain.

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